Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Happy Thanksgiving (a day early!)

I have been MIA, I know I know... story of my blog.  But this time for good reason.  I have had some health issues lately.  Nothing serious, just having gallbladder surgery on Tuesday to get it removed.  It isn't serious, right now.  But if I do let it go, it could get worse.  And I don't want to have it rupture on me.

Anyway, this isn't a boo hoo, poor me post.  I promise!

Thanksgiving is here!  Yay!  But where did 2014 go????

This year, I am thankful for living in a warmer climate!  Yup I said it, I don't like cold.  I like warm weather, sand between my toes and wearing a light jacket once a year.  I am also thankful for my family.  My kids are awesome people, well turning into them.  Don't get me wrong, they have their moments, but it is pretty cool to watch them experience the world around them.  I am also thankful for my hubby and many others who selflessly give their lives to the armed forces.  They protect our freedoms, and fight for our country.  I hope that those that aren't able to be home for the holidays know that many of us at home at praying and thinking about them and a safe return for all of our troops.  I am also thankful to be in relative good health.

I love Thanksgiving because I love to eat.  Yup, I said it...  I love to eat!  I also love the traditions my family has.  We wake up, eat some breakfast and park our buns for a few hours in front of the tv watching the Macy's Parade!  My hubby doesn't understand our obsession with it.  But whatever... I never asked him to understand it.

Anyway, we also then ate dinner early, and enjoy time with family.  Nothing exciting.  We aren't Black Friday shoppers either... or should I say Thanksgiving evening shoppers.

It is insane to me how many stores advertise their "Black Friday" sales starting on Thanksgiving!  Seriously, I feel badly for all the retails workers that have to work on Thanksgiving.  They are being taken from their time with family to work for a sale that I'm sure if no fun.

With that... I have decided this year to turn Black Friday PINK!  Yup!  Pink!  I am holding a private sale for all my customers and their families... on my website!  No crazy crowds... no pushing, no shoving, no waiting in line for HOURS on end.

Here are my specials:

PLUS, for every Timewise Repair Set purchased, you will get a FREE Skinvigorate brush (this special is good until Dec 1).  AND, for every purchase of $100 (before discount), you will get an extra 5% off.  For every purchase of $200 (before discount), you will get an extra 10% off!  So, this means if you place a $100 order at 6am, you'll get 35% off your order!  If you place a $250 order at 10:30 am, you'll get 25% off your order.  (The time stamp from my website will determine your order).  And I will adjust your total, email it to you before processing, and get your approval.  (Unfortunately, I am unable to change prices on my website, so you will notice you have a full priced total sent to you when you checkout.  Your card is not charged until I process it on my end.)*

I also am doing the Adopt-a-Grandparent program this year.  Please help me bring some joy to some very deserving, local senior citizens.  My goal is to make the holidays special for 150 people this year!  Order deadline for this is Dec 15.  The $12 set includes wrapping, and a gift tag.  (Tax is already included in that.)  Email me at lizherman (at) marykay (dot) com to purchase.*

Also, has your hubby/significant other/girlfriend/wife/boyfriend/lifepartner gotten you your pillow gift yet?  Have you gotten them their's?  Don't know what it is?  You will be the most romantic person at Christmas this year.  Ask me for more info on this fabulous gift, which starts at $25.

What are you thankful for this year????

*Must have no other consultant!

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Wednesday musings

KI know I am horrible about remembering to post, and I'm sorry.  Some things I hadn't revealed were that the hubby & I decided to geobachelor this tour (when he lives at his new duty station & we live some where else).  We didn't do the traditional geobach, because the kids & I moved to FLORIDA to be with family.  So life has been busy, difficult, amazing, fun, sad...  Everything that life is, but a thousand fold.  I SO respect any single mom or dad out there.  It is not easy to be everything to your child or children.  Anyway, this is not a boo hoo post.  I promise!

Let's talk holidays.  What are you buying for your kiddos?  What's the hot toy this year?

I'm not sure what we are getting for either, Little man or Cutie, but I know what my kids like.  Cutie asked for an Easy Bake Oven, a Kindle, Monster High dolls, books....  The list goes on.  She knows she won't get everything on her list, and I don't think she remembers half of what she's asked for.  

Little man is too little to really understand making a list, but he loves Mickey Mouse, cars, trains, anything boy like, and we will probably get him a water table.  He is an active little man, and typical little boy.

What are some other things that people are looking at?  

I am looking for new running shoes, new running gear, maybe some new clothes...  Really not exciting stuff.  But I also have the added pressure of my birthday being two weeks before Christmas.  So I have to come up with double the gift ideas.  

I am excited to run this promotion again this year.  I can't wait to honor as many seniors in my community as I can.  I am hoping my kiddos will be able to deliver the gifts to the residents and spread some cheer to them.  

I have several gift sets available from my inventory, and also have gifts available from other companies!  

What is the one thing you really want this year?

Interested in making a little extra money this holiday season? 

Or looking to keep those holiday pounds from reaching your hips?  Check out this special:  
Click here to learn more: pack/PiYo-kickstarts?referringrepid=372462