Thursday, June 12, 2014

What are some of your favorite go-to recipes?

So, in my journey to better health, loosing weight and just over all reshaping my self, I am trying to come up with new recipes.  My go to dinners are typically baked chicken and veggies.  They are good... almost like comfort food, because you know what you are getting.  But I want to change it up.

I LOVE LOVE LOVE stuffed peppers.  And have found that the Stoffers frozen ones aren't too bad, but I do want to try to make my own.

So that being said, talk to me... give me your favorite healthy recipe.  I am trying to eat cleanly, and train meanly, but I can always clean up a recipe, if need be!

Now, on a completely different subject, have you hear the news of the newest Beachbody program?  It is coming out in the next few weeks.  It is a low-impact, huge results program!  So far what I have seen from the test group, their results are AMAZING!  The program is called PiYo.

I have a new challenge group (and no, Shakeology isn't required to be a part of it) starting soon for PiYo.  Email me here to learn more about it, or for me to send you the link to be added to my mailing list.

If you are interested in Shakeology, click here to learn more.

This is my FAVORITE Shakology recipe.

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