So, for those that don't know, this is the beginning of a new Mary Kay year. And of course, just like the regular new year, we are all thinking about goals. This year will be different for me. I am focused on monthly goals, and yes, I have my big year end goal to go with it. But I am breaking down my goal into "bite" sized pieces. There is a popular analogy in MK, and probably in a lot of other businesses and life, but it states that you can eat the whole elephant, but you have to do it one bite at a time.
So, let me share my goals with you. First year long goal is to earn my car, second is to become a director. The next few won't really make sense to anyone outside of the MK world, but I will be finishing Queens Court of Sales & Sharing, for each of these, I will be earning a diamond ring & diamond bumble bee, respectively. (And yes, they are real diamonds!).
So how am I breaking this down? Well, my monthly goals are 50 makeovers & 25-30 opportunities to share the opportunity. I want to show my area why I LOVE my Mary Kay, and what it can do for them, not just with their skin or color looks, but what it might mean for them. Mary Kay has changed me, my life & my family in ways that are amazing.
I know I wouldn't have made these changes had it not of been for MK. I have become a better person, I work harder (which I didn't think was possible) & yet I am able to be home with my kids.
So let me ask you this... Where do you want to be in 5 years? What about 10? What are you doing to make that happen?
How is that working for you?
Okay, when I get pictures of the ring I will be earning & the bee, I will post it.
Here is the car that I will be earning this fall. Which would you choose?
What does this all mean for you? Well, it means that I am going to giveaway more products than I have ever before. Would you like to be the recipient of some of the $10,000 in free products I am giving away? Email me for more info (lizherman(at)marykay(dot)com). It also means that I will ask you to sit with me and listen. There's no pressure, but you never know if this may be for someone you know. And if you introduce me to someone who does join me on this journey, you'll get a special gift. It also means that with ever order this year, there will be special gifts, or specials that are exclusive to my customers. I will also be starting a VIP program that will have lots of rewards. Stay tuned for details, or email me.
I can't wait to go on this journey with you and share every step of the way. Buckle your seat belt & keep checking back. We will be moving very quickly!