So, I've been doing the P90X3 exercise program for 5 weeks now. And I am definitely getting stronger. I also have been trying to get my 3 runs in every week as well. I have a 5K coming up in April. I am nervous. This week, my first running day was 5 min runs with 3 min walks. It was hard, but I did it. My 2nd day is supposed to be 8 min runs with 5 min walks. And the 3rd day is a straight 20 min straight run. That one scares the pants off of me!
Anyway, mixed with my workout program, I added the 21-day fix eating plan. I will keep you all updated with my results. Today is day 1. So far so good. I have learned that I need to plan my eating. I've always been more of a "fly by the seat of my pants" kind of eater. I do watch my portions, but not nearly as much as this program.* I am excited to see where it takes me. And once I finish my P90X3 program, I will be adding the 21-Day Fix workouts to my program.
This time I will succeed. I am ready to do the work to loose the weight& get in great shape!
*i am not a BeachBody Coach, but if you are interested, I can get you in touch with my friend & coach!